7. The Real Story of the Titanic with Daniel Allen Butler (10/9/23)

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Episode Description

Daniel Allen Butler joins host Adam Camac to discuss the real story of the Titanic.  Dan is a maritime and military historian and the author of eleven books, including “Unsinkable: The Full Story of the RMS Titanic,” “Pearl: December 7, 1941,” and “Other Side of the Night: The Carpathia, the Californian, and the Night the Titanic Was Lost.”  You can follow his work at danielallenbutler.org and on Facebook at Daniel Allen Butler Author.

Guest’s Website and Facebook Page


Daniel Allen Butler Author on Facebook

Books and Other Resources Mentioned

Unsinkable: The Full Story of the RMS Titanic by Daniel Allen Butler

Pearl: December 7, 1941 by Daniel Allen Butler

Other Side of the Night: The Carpathia, the Californian, and the Night the Titanic Was Lost by Daniel Allen Butler

A Night to Remember by Walter Lord

The Night Lives On: The Untold Stories and Secrets Behind the Sinking of the Unsinkable Ship-Titanic by Walter Lord

Titanic: An Illustrated History by Donald Lynch

The Maiden Voyage: A Complete and Documented Account of the Titanic Disaster by Geoffrey Marcus

Titanic Inquiry Project

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