11. The Successes, Issues, and Challenges of Singapore with Jeevan Vasagar (12/28/23)

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Germany – Deutschland – Jeevan Vasagar Berlin correspondent Financial Times; journalist, The Guardian, Head Of Media Relations at Saïd Business School, University of Oxford; Here: at Bikini Haus, MONKEY BAR, 25 Hours Hotel, Berlin; 19.09.2014; © Christian Jungeblodt

Episode Description

Jeevan Vasagar joins host Adam Camac to discuss key events in the historical and cultural development of Singapore, how Singapore became so successful economically, and some of the issues and challenges faced by modern Singapore.  Jeevan is Climate Editor at Tortoise Media.  Before that, he was a foreign correspondent for the Financial Times in Singapore and Berlin and a staff reporter at The Guardian, including spells as East Africa correspondent and education editor.  He is the author of Lion City: Singapore and the Invention of Modern Asia.  You can follow him on X.

Book Discussed

Lion City: Singapore and the Invention of Modern Asia by Jeevan Vasagar

Guest’s Social Media Account

Jeevan Vasagar’s X Account

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